Welcome to the


About the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club

Our club was chartered on December 11, 1984 with 29 members under the sponsorship of the Winchester Rotary Club, with Joe Milner serving as our first president.

In November, 2011, District Governor Frank Rothermel inducted ten new members to form the Satellite Club as part of the Rotary International Satellite Club pilot program.

The formation of the Sewanee Satellite Group in 2011, under Rotary International's pilot program, brought new members to our club. Under this program, we are all one club, with one meeting each week. Most of our members are from the communities of Monteagle and Sewanee, therefore it was deemed appropriate to change our name to Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club. The Club currently meets on Thursday mornings at St. Mary’s Ayres Center

Club Officers

Lacy Camp, President

Celia Keen, President-Elect

Chris Barton, Past President and Foundation Chair

Rick Dulaney, Treasurer

Anna King, Secretary

Jim Clendening, Membership Chair

Kathy Henslee, Student Affairs Chair

Laura Rice, Member-At-Large

Rotary links

As a Rotary Member, use the links below to access club resources:

District and Club Database (DACdb)

My Rotary

This Week at Rotary - January 16, 2025

On January 16th, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club was entertained by our fellow member and speaker Tom Camp, a licensed mental health counselor. The title of Tom's presentation was: Practices for Confidence and Joy in an Uncertain and Changing World. He relayed a recent story about his new car and new home and an unpleasant incident with the garage door. Using methods he teaches others, he diffused a stressful situation and carried on for a successful day.

Tom Camp