Archived Posts from the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club

Special Spotlight!

The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club recently awarded a Rotary District grant to Monteagle Elementary School. The funds are paid through the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club Foundation, and are to sustain the Rotary Club’s support of the elementary school’s "Top of the Rock" student choir.

On September 20, 2024, Veronica Rogers-Horton, the principal of Monteagle Elementary School, received the check from Chris Barton, of the Monteagle -Sewanee Rotary Club Foundation.

This Week at Rotary - September 19, 2024

Today the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club welcomed Martha Pierce, newly appointed Executive Director of Mountain T.O.P. (Tennessee Outreach Project). Mountain T.O.P. Is a faith based organization located in Coalmont, TN and primarily serves Grundy County. The ministry focuses on reducing substandard housing, supporting lifelong learning, and promoting overall wellness.

Check out their website to learn more about Mountain T.O.P.: www.

Martha Pierce

This Week at Rotary - September 12, 2024

Geoffrey Ward

On September 12th, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club welcomed guest speaker, Dr. Geoffrey Ward. Dr. Ward is the Organist and Choirmaster of All Saints Chapel at Sewanee: University of the South. Ward shared that the choir is growing and strong. They are in deep preparation for Lessons and Carols which will take place the first weekend of December.

Click here for more information about the 65th Festival Service of Lessons and Carols.

Fifth Thursday Field Trip: CHOP SHOP

For the August 29th meeting, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club had the opportunity to tour the Chop Shop for the Fifth Thursday Field Trip. The Chop Shop is the facility where Rotarians and other volunteers from the area construct twin beds for the non-profit, Sleep in Heavenly Peace. In the past three years, the group has constructed and delivered over 1800 beds to children in the Marion and Grundy counties. Without these beds, the children would otherwise have no place to sleep. Wood is delivered directly to the facility located in Monteagle. In the shop, components are cut, pre-drilled and sorted for bed building. The parts are assembled to create headboards, railings, and slats. After partial assembly, the bed is stored in another location until it is set up in the home of a child who needs a bed. The beds are free to the families who need them, and the delivery includes a mattress, mattress pad, pillow, sheets, and coverlet. Families who need beds may submit a request online at Sleep in Heavenly Peace - TN, South Pittsburg.

To read more about Sleep in Heavenly Peace and their mission, follow this link.

Click here learn how to get involved with the South Pittsburg chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

This Week at Rotary - August 22, 2024

On Thursday, August 22nd, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club had the pleasure of welcoming Becky Budd from Braver Angels. The aim of Braver Angels is to de-polarize the United States by bridging the political divide. This year, the group is focusing on immigration. The learn more about this organization and the work they are doing, be sure to visit:

Becky Budd (left) with Rotary member, Laura Rice (right)

This Week at Rotary - August 15, 2024

Kim Butters

On August 15th, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club had the privilege of welcoming Kim Butters to share a presentation on the Sewanee Business Alliance (SBA). The Club learned about the annual events hosted by the Sewanee Business Alliance and some future plans. SBA is planning a new pocket park for children in front of the American Legion building. They are working with the Sewanee Civic Association to develop a new welcome center in the former Depot building. The building will be transformed into a welcoming center with a small conference room, bathrooms, and a media center to provide maps and information on area attractions.

The Sewanee Business Alliance will host Angel Fest on September 27th, there will be music, food, and fun for all!

The Village Christmas Tree lighting ceremony will take place on the first weekend in December. Music and refreshments will be available.

This Week at Rotary - July 25, 2024

Eric Ezell

This week at Rotary, members welcomed speaker, Dr. Eric Ezell, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Sewanee: The University of the South. Dr. Ezell shared on the topic of “Listening to Whales.” He shared about the process of whale bubble net feeding, and the club listened to the whales communicating to each other and to their prey via recordings produced by a hydrophone. Dr Ezell constructed the hydrophone for his research station at Fin Island in British Columbia.

Karl Sjolund Named as a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow

At the July 25th meeting, Dan Hatfield presented Karl Sjolund with a pin for becoming a Paul Harris plus one member. Paul Harris Fellows are recognized for their gifts of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, Polio Plus, or approved Foundation Grant.

This Week at Rotary - July 18, 2024

On Thursday, July 18th, the Rotary Club had the pleasure of welcoming speaker, Rose Mary Drake. Rosemary entertained the Club with information about bee keeping on the mountain. For Rosemary, bee keeping started as a hobby, and now she has become a successful longtime beekeeper on the mountain.

Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club End of the Year Party

The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club gathered at member Dale Layne’s Barn for their end of the year celebration! The occasion also marked the transfer of the club president's office from Chris Barton to Lacy Camp. The food was incredible, there was a great crowd, and the company of one another was wonderful. The Club looks ahead for another great year of service!

Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club Welcomes New Members

The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club is growing in many ways, membership is just one of them. On June 13th, the Club had the honor of welcoming new members (from left to right), Scott Parrish, Curtis Finn, and Robert McLaren

Donation to Endowed Scholarship at The University of the South

On June 13th, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club donated over $5,000 to The University of the South endowed scholarship in honor of John Bratton. John was a long time member of the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club and passed away in November of 2023. Debbie Vaughn, Vice President of University Relations at Sewanee received this donation. This year's recipient of the scholarship is Ella Grace Masters from Monteagle.

Fifth Thursday Field Trip to The Caverns

On May 30th, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club had a field trip to The Caverns. We are so thankful to Todd Mayo, Caverns Owner, for hosting our Club and to our guide, Talen, for leading us through the caves and amphitheater.

Rotary Club Welcomes New Member!

At the May 23rd meeting, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club was fortunate to welcome new member, Jim Harmon. Jim was the owner and host at the Monteagle Inn & Retreat Center for 18 years before retiring in 2020. Jim’s late wife, Lee Harmon, served as Club president several years ago. Welcome Jim!

This Week at Rotary - May 23, 2024

On Thursday, May 23rd, Patrick Dean visited the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club and offered an update on the Mountain Goat Trail. Several new plans are in the works for the trail, from Cowan all the way to Palmer.

Visit Mountain Goat Trail Alliance to learn more about the trail.

Patrick Dean

This Week at Rotary - March 28, 2024

Christi Teasley

This week, Christi Teasley, co-founder and director of Shakerag, visited the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club. Christi shared about the Shakerag Workshops and the schedule for this year.

If you are interested in learning more about the Shakerag Workshops, visit their website for the workshop schedule and how to register.

This Week at Rotary - March 21, 2024

Vice Chancellor Rob Pearigen

This week, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club was joined by Vice Chancellor of the University of the South, Rob Pearigen. Dr. Pearigen discussed the current state of affairs at the University of the South, and also about the challenges in operations that are on the horizon.

This Week at Rotary - March 14, 2024

At the March 14th breakfast meeting, the Club enjoyed a wonderful presentation by Mary Beth Best, Reservations and Program Manager at St. Mary’s Sewanee: The Ayres Center for Spiritual Development. Mary Beth shared about the history and the mission of the Ayres Center.

Mary Beth Best

This Week at Rotary - February 22, 2024

At the February 22nd meeting, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club was pleased to welcome guest speaker, Dr. Ned Murray. Ned Murray is the first Executive Director of Friends of South Cumberland (FSC). He shared about the history and mission of FSC. To read more about Dr. Ned Murray and Friends of South Cumberland, check out their website!

Dr. Ned Murray

Grundy County Food Bank Receives 2023 Hunger Walk Funds

At a February meeting of the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club, the Grundy County Food Bank received a check for $6,670 to support food bank expenses for two months. The check was accepted by Theresia Campbell, Director of the Grundy County Food Bank.

The funds were from the proceeds of the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club Hunger Walk 2023.

Rotary Club Officers, Lacy Camp (left) and Chris Barton (right), present Theresia Campbell (middle) with a check from the 2023 Hunger Walk funds.

Paul Harris Fellows at the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club

Over the month of February, several members of the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club were inducted into the Paul Harris Society. The Paul Harris Society recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. On February 1st, Christopher Barton and Bill Harper were inducted into the Society and Lynn Stubblefield was awarded for a pin for an additional year as a Paul Harris Fellow. The following week on February 8th, John Hille was pinned to recognize his third additional year as a Paul Harris Fellow.

Paul Harris Fellows (left to right): Lynn Stubblefield, Chris Barton, and Bill Harper.

John Hille (left), Paul Harris Fellow, and Dan Hatfield (right), Rotary Member.

This Week at Rotary - February 8, 2024

On February 8th, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club held their weekly breakfast meeting at the St. Mary’s Ayres Center. At this meeting, the Club welcomed Greg Cathell, Head Coach of the Women’s Soccer Team at The University of the South. During the 2023 season, the Women’s Soccer Team won the South Athletic Association (SAA) Conference Championship and received a bid to the NCAA Tournament.

In addition to Coach Cathell’s visit, the Club also welcomed Julian Price as a new member of the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club.

Coach Greg Cathell

Rotary Members (left to right): John Hille, Julian Price, Chris Barton

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Bed Build at The University of the South

On Saturday February 3rd, the Office of Civic Engagement and the Office of Inclusive Excellence at The University of the South hosted a bed building event with the South Pittsburgh chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace. As partners with Sleep in Heavenly Peace, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club prepared materials and assisted in the build of 200 beds. The beds will be delivered to local children who need a safe place to sleep in their homes. Volunteers who helped with the activity included University students, Sewanee Greek Life organizations, local residents, faculty and staff from The University of the South, and local volunteers of Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

To read more about Sleep in Heavenly Peace and their mission, follow this link.

Click here learn how to get involved with the South Pittsburg chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

This Week at Rotary - February 1, 2024

On February 1st, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club was fortunate to welcome Dr. Arden Chao, Fulbright Scholar at the University of the South for a presentation during the weekly breakfast meeting. Dr. Chao spoke about the Election in Taiwan, Skepticism Towards the US, and Strategy of Communist China. Thank you Dr. Arden Chao for joining us!


The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club partnered with Greek Like organizations of The University of the South to provide Christmas stockings filled with goodies to the children and families at Blue Monarch. The University students hosted fundraisers to buy the stockings and gifts for the children. This endeavor was made a success through the work of Rotarians, Michael Payne and Kathy Henslee, Sewanee Rotaract, and numerous members of Theta Kappa Phi, Sigma Nu, and Phi Kappa Epsilon, and the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club.

This week at Rotary - November 16, 2023

This week, the Rotary Club welcomed Todd Mayo, who is the founder of The Caverns, to speak. Todd is also the creator and co-producer of " The Caverns Sessions" on PBS, the Emmy -award winning, and second longest running music series on American television. In addition, Todd created and produced the PBS television series, “Ear to the Common Ground.” He was also the co-founder of Music City Roots and produced musical television specials in Ireland, Australia, Cuba, and Nashville. Mayo has a book being published in early 2024, called Caveman Chronicles. Todd lives in Sewanee with his family, and believes in the power of music to bring people together. The Rotary Club enjoyed his presentation very much, and hope to have him back soon to discuss his interest and involvement with the Highlander Folk School.

Todd Mayo, Founder of The Caverns

Laureen Sparacio, Owner of Cove Creek Farm

Breakfast Meeting - OCTOBER 12, 2023

Laureen Sparacio joined the Monteagle Sewanee Rotary Club on Thursday, October 12th to share about Cove Creek Farm, which she owns with her husband, Matt Sparacio. Cove Creek Farm is located in Monteagle, TN, where the Sparacios farm cattle, pigs, chickens, and turkeys. The meats processed from the Farm are sold online, and a limited amount are sold on-site. In addition to raising animals, Cove Creek Farm has also become a weekend destination for families where kids can enjoy the large pirate ship, multiple climbing devices, and so much more!

University students celebrating the winning team - DELTA TAU DELTA.


The University of the South's Rotaract Club held their first annual PolioPlus Dodgeball Tournament on October 10th. The fundraiser brought in more than $700 to support PolioPlus, which funds vaccinations and other health care needs for approximately 2,500 beneficiaries in South Asia and Africa. More than 75 University undergraduates representing the Rotaract Club and seven Sewanee fraternities and sororities participated in this event led by the Rotaract Club.

Anne (right) and Lee Harmon (left), serving as new member orientation representative for the club.


On October 12, 2023, the Monteagle Sewanee Rotary club welcomed new member Anne Chenoweth. Anne was pinned by her husband, Woody Deutsch, a longtime member of the Rotary Club. The Club is thrilled to welcome Anne to the group! to Pictured below are

Dr. Chris McDonough speaking to the Rotary Club.

Breakfast Meeting - SEPTEMBER 21, 2023

Dr. Christopher McDonough, professor of humanities at the University of the South presented to the Rotary Club this week. Dr. McDonough discussed “Mine 21",” which is a documentary film he produced in 2018 with Alexander Street. “Mine 21” shares the story of the Marion County mine explosion that took 13 lives in 1981.

To read more about “Mine 21,” and to view the documentary, please follow these links:


The leadership of the University Rotaract Club as well as Lee Hancock, Steve Hancock, and Chris Barton of the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club placed American flags on the University of the South's Quad to honor the 2,977 people who were killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Members of the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club removed the nearly 3,000 flags from the Quad before sunset on September 11th.


Pictured from Left to Right: Piano tuners from Tullahoma, Laura Rice, Christoper Barton, Peter Haight, Jessica Favaloro, Ellanna Swope, Kathy Henslee, and Lee Harmon.

The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club is partnering with Monteagle Elementary School (MES) to begin a music program for students in the 5th through 8th grades. This initiative is led by Rotarian Laura Rice. Ellanna Swope and Pete Haight, University Students, and South Cumberland AmeriCorps Program Members are developing a student choir, which currently includes 23 students. The choir plans to perform at the Sewanee Christmas tree lighting ceremony on December 1st, and their first concert will be at MES on December 14, 2023. Holiday music will be highlighted with some pieces sung in foreign languages. The Rotary Club has purchased a piano for the choir to use, and it was delivered to the school on Thursday, September 7th. Going forward, a grant from the Caverns through The South Cumberland Community Fund (SCCF) will assist in funding the program.

Breakfast Meeting - SEPTEMBER 7, 2023

At the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary club meeting this week, funds raised for the 2922 Hunger Walk were distributed to three area food ministries. Hunger Walk checks were presented to Sarah Edmonds representing the food pantry at CAC, Diane Foster and Jennifer Percy from the Grundy County Food Bank, and Alyse Getty of the Morton Memorial Methodist Food Ministry.

At the September 7th breakfast meeting, the Club was joined by two students from the University of the South. Mary Lewis Tunno is the president of the Sewanee Rotaract Club, and Dick Waters is the Service Chair for the International Fraternity Council. These student leaders are busy organizing teams to participate in the 2023 Hunger Walk, and setting up a day of Greek service to support Sleep in Heavenly Peace. In addition to these service opportunities, the Greek organizations at Sewanee are also planning to volunteer with the reading program at Monteagle Elementary School.

Breakfast Meeting - AUGUST 31, 2023

Dr. John Walters, New Member

At the August 31st breakfast meeting, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club gathered at the St. Mary's Ayres Center to hear a presentation from Leigh Collins, the Executive Director of the Wellness Commons, and Director of Counseling and Psychological Services for the University of the South. Members heard about the vast options for physical and mental health options provided by The University. Additionally, the Club welcomed a new member to the club, Dr. John Walters. John has retired to the area, and the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club is excited for him to join the group.

Leigh Collins, Executive Director of the Wellness Commons

Dr. Tom Phelps

Breakfast Meeting - AUGUST 24, 2023

On August 24th, the Rotary Club welcomed Dr. Tom Phelps, Medical Director of the Tracy City Free Clinic. One of current projects of the Free Clinic is to test and treat patients for Hepatitis C. Dr. Phelps shared about the point of contact tests that they Clinic used for these testing clinics. The tests reveal results in 20 minutes, and from there patient’s are offered the treatment of taking daily tablets for approximately one year. This treatment has led to cures for Hepatitis C. Going forward, more needs to be done to educate patients on getting tested, and more antiviral treatments should be accessible to the public.

Breakfast Meeting - AUGUST 17, 2023

On August 17th, the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club met for the first time at their new gathering place, St. Mary’s Conference Center. During the meeting, President Chris Barton thanked Laura Rice for her effective leadership in getting the music program at Monteagle Elementary off to a great start. In addition, Dan Hatfield shared plans for the upcoming Purple Pinkie drive to raise money for Polio research, and continuing plans of this year’s Hunger Walk were shared.
Lacy Camp introduced our speaker, Sara Figal, Director of the Nashville Conflict Resolution Center. Sara informed the Club about the time and money saving advantages of using conflict resolution rather than the courts system.

Club Member, Dan Hatfield, shares about Purple Pinkie Day.

Speaker, Sara Figal, shares about the work of the Nashville Conflict Resolution Center.


The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club will began hosting their breakfast meetings at St. Mary’s Retreat Center starting August 17th. For this week of transition, the Club was able to meet as regularly scheduled at The Episcopal Parish of St. Mark & St. Paul. This meeting was a Club Assembly, which consisted of:

  • Information regarding this year’s Hunger Walk, which will be held on Saturday, September 30th. Stay tuned for more details on the Hunger Walk!

  • A Club initiative for this year will be to track club volunteer hours among members.

  • The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club will continue to support Polio Plus this year through our annual fundraiser, Purple Pinkie Day, to be held in October. Be on the look out for more details!

Breakfast Meeting - August 3, 2023

Andy McCollum, Sewanee Football Coach, visits the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club to share about his goals and plans for the fall season.

“Pound the Rock” is this year’s theme for the football team.

Laura Rice, Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Member, shares details about the beginning of a music program at Monteagle Elementary School.

Breakfast Meeting - July 27, 2023

Susie Cantrell

Rotary District Governor

Veronica Rogers

Monteagle Elementary School Principal

Michael Payne & Charlie Kettle

Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club Members

2022 - 2023 End of Year Report

Reading Program at MES and SES

Rotary Survey Report


On April 6th’s Club Assembly, FelixWilson, a graduating student from Sewanee: The University of the South, was honored for his many contributions to the community, and in particular his volunteer efforts with the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club. Felix participated in every volunteer activity event this year, which included, the Hunger Walk, the Pancake Breakfast, the literacy and reading programs at Monteagle Elementary and Sewanee Elementary Schools, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, and other community volunteering activities. At this time, Felix was also awarded a Paul Harris pin and made a Fellow.

February Update from the Rotary Club

In February, the fruits of the Hunger Walk labor were shared with the three food banks on the Mountain. These recipients included, Grundy County Food Bank, Community Action Committee Food Pantry, and Morton Memorial Food Ministry. AND we heard about Heart 2 Heart (H2H) in Mexico from our own John Solomon.

The recipients of the 2022 Hunger Walk are pictured below (from left to right): Grundy County Food Bank, Morton Memorial, and Community Action Committee.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

Rotarians were a solid presence at the Service Day organized by the University of the South and Sleep in Heavenly Peace in honor of Martin Luther King's legacy on January 16, 2023. Rotarians worked hard, provided support, and lunch during the bed build. More than 70 beds were built for kids in our area who now sleep on the floor.


The Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser hosted on Saturday, November 19th was a great success!

Check out the video to see how the Monteagle-Sewanee community came out to support.

Visit the Pancake Breakfast page for more information!


Monteagle Elementary Students and volunteers for Fluency Bootcamp.

Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club volunteers and some sorority and fraternity students from the University of the South completed the first iteration this academic year of the Fluency Boot Camp at Monteagle Elementary School, with the help and support of Principal Dr. Veronica Rogers Horton and Fluency and Reading Intervention Specialist Kim Parton. Of course, the heroes were the kids! Our next iteration will be February 2023. The success of this initiative is thanks to Rotarians Martha Krenson and Kathy Henslee.


The 8th Annual Hunger Walk occurred on Saturday, September 24th, and raised over $40,000 for the local food banks.

This annual event hosted by the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club is to support the local food banks in the South Cumberland region. The 2022 Hunger Walk Recipients included the Grundy County Food Bank, the Community Action Committee Food Pantry, and the Morton Memorial Food Ministry.

Go to The Hunger Walk page for more information!


Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club Members ready to build beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

Some Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club Members working to get the Isaiah 117 House playground ready (Left to Right: Rhea Bowden, Michael Payne, Eddie Krenson, Steve Brallier).

The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club and Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Read the most recent article about Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary’s involvement in the Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) volunteering initiative on the Mountain published in the July 1, 2022 edition of the Sewanee Mountain Messenger.

Follow the link to the Sewanee Mountain Messenger (page 10) to read more!

Some of the Monteagle Elementary students from the Literacy Boot Camp.   Picture originally published in the Sewanee Mountain Messenger.

Some of the Monteagle Elementary students from the Literacy Boot Camp. Picture originally published in the Sewanee Mountain Messenger.

The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club and MES Literacy Boot Camp

Check out the article published in the May 20, 2022 edition of the Sewanee Mountain Messenger talking about how the Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club teamed up with the Monteagle Elementary School’s Literacy Boot Camp.

Follow the link to the Sewanee Mountain Messenger to read more!


Today MAY 6  we had our first live breakfast meeting of the this year!  Jimmy Wilson and his Blue Chair team made us a delicious breakfast.  Next week we will gather at Shenanigans with Bill Elder and his crew.

STARTING MAY 20th, La Bella Pearls will become our regular meeting place!


The Covid-19 Pandemic has definitely presented challenging times during 2020 and 2021 for our Club..  We have embraced Zoom and are attending meetings weekly with good attendance. 

In spite of the pandemic the Club’s Hunger Walk raised over  $45,000 to support local food banks combating food insecurity on the South Cumberland Plateau, and ran a collective of 7,235 miles.


Projects for District Grants


CAC K2Table Grant application for freezer GCFB grant application for new electric pallet jack.

Jason Day and Dan Hatfield on Purple Pinkie Day


Polio Plus campaign called Purple Pinkie Day brought in $2,125 yielding in matching funds $19,125; yes, that’s right, our club helped generate $19,125!


We are now working on pulling team together for the  annual Golf Tournament which raises funds for scholarships to area students.  Last year’s tournament was cancelled but we are hopeful that there will be a 2021 tournament.